Creating a laundry room in the bathroom: rules and advice

When space is limited, ingenious solutions must be implemented. Don’t know how to organize your bathroom with laundry ?

Read the advice of our experts: start with the basic rules, essential for having a functional and tidy environment.

You can then explore ideas for best arranging the washing machine in the bathroom and find your favorite.

With some care (and a personal touch) you will be able to set up an area that is comfortable to use and beautiful to look at.

How to create a laundry room in the bathroom? 6 fundamental points

Before you start dreaming of your new bathroom with laundry, find out what guidelines you need to follow to make two areas that are often separated for practical reasons coexist perfectly.

From structural work to little hacks, there’s a whole world of laundry room ideas to discover.

1. Make sure of the feasibility: drain and pipes

Buying a washing machine for your bathroom should be preceded by a preparation phase. 

Prepare the necessary connections , relying on a plumbing company that can install drains and pipes.

As a rule, washing machines should be placed in a corner at a constant temperature, on a resistant floor that is not sensitive to water.

Near the shower or the sink, it doesn’t matter: the important thing is that there is a special connection tap.

2. Design a bathroom with a niche for the washing machine

If you are lucky enough to have a sufficiently large bathroom, create a real niche in which to place your washing machine and possibly the dryer.

Multiply the support surfaces using shelves and column furniture. If your bathroom is already complete and furnished, you can decide to have a plasterboard niche built at a later time.

3. No niche? Use a closet

Even if you don’t have an empty corner available, don’t worry. How about “locking” the washing machine and accessories in a wardrobe , so that they are well hidden?

By opening the doors you will be able to access everything you need, while maintaining impeccable order.

4. Choose the washer dryer to save space

To gain precious centimeters in your bathroom with laundry, instead of the classic washer and dryer combo we suggest you opt for the washer dryer .

This type of appliance can wash and dry separately, thus allowing you to make better use of the free surface.

5. Solutions for the washing machine in a small bathroom

In the event that your bathroom is very small in size, don’t despair. There are some space-saving tricks, such as:

  • Place the washing machine under the main surface, whether hidden or not
  • Place the washing machine in a well-equipped corner, with shelves fixed to the wall
  • Hide the washing machine under the sink, an area that is often underused
  • Place the washing machine in the anteroom, if present

6. Laundry accessories in the bathroom

In addition to the previous tips for setting up a bathroom with laundry room, don’t forget the little extras that make the difference.

Focus on the must-have accessories that will make your life easier when carrying out activities at home.

  • More useful space : if you have a niche in the bathroom for the washing machine, mount shelves, wall units and even a wall-mounted drying rack.
  • More order : in a small bathroom, opt for floor-standing cabinets in which to organize detergents, products and more.
  • More style : use baskets and boxes to organize everything from ironing laundry to tea towels; in addition to being practical, they will make the bathroom more beautiful.

How to hide the washing machine in the bathroom?

The main concern of those who have to create a laundry area in the bathroom is generally the need to “hide” the washing machine.

In reality there are many ways to reach a good compromise: in fact, in some cases there won’t even be a need for tricks…

  1. Add a sliding door or a curtain to the niche, irreplaceable to obtain a sort of additional room in which to organize your laundry room .
  2. Place the washing machine in a custom-made piece of furniture , with or without doors; if you also want a dryer, opt for a resistant vertical structure.
  3. Opt for a laundry cabinet , complete with drawers and many compartments to keep everything within easy reach.
  4. Don’t hide it, but enhance it ! Use wooden shelves, elegant boxes and designer baskets to create a specific mood; you can even pour detergents into glass dispensers, use decorative vases and hang themed posters with clothes washing symbols .

Space-saving solutions for a small bathroom with laundry

If the bathroom with laundry is small, finding the right position for the sink , the washing machine and any dryer can be complicated.

Often, to fully equip a small laundry room, all you need is a little ingenuity: here are the space-saving ideas to “resolve” a small bathroom.

1. Column laundry

The appliances, alternatively, can be inserted inside a column cabinet with a hinged door :

by doing so you will be able to exploit the verticality and reduce the aesthetic impact to a minimum.

In addition to “stacking” the dishwasher and the dryer – using the appropriate kits -, you can insert a washer-dryer and any shelves to organize everything you need.

2. Built-in laundry

Another popular option for the bathroom with a small laundry room is to encase the appliances in a compartment or in a custom-made container.

The washing machine, for example, can be positioned under a shelf acting as a shelf: or, inside a niche delimited by a column.

Solutions of this type can be envisaged in the design phase – even in masonry – or set up at a later stage with wooden elements, plasterboard and other materials.

3. Hidden laundry room

To keep the environment tidy – despite the small size – it is possible to hide the laundry room.

For this purpose you can use folding doors and sliding doors :

for example, placing the washing machine next to the sink and equipping the furniture with a retractable door, so as to hide the appliance when you are not using it.

Ideas and examples of bathrooms with laundry

Now that you know the basics, let’s get to the fun part: furnishing your bathroom with a laundry room.

Try to match each piece of furniture and accessory so that it enhances the style already present in your home: here are some ideas to inspire you.

Perfectly integrated laundry room

In a bathroom with traditional wooden furnishings, place your washing machine under the well-camouflaged supporting structure of the sink.

By choosing a color that matches the bathroom fixtures, it will be almost invisible to the eye.

Modern style laundry niche

Take advantage of an already well-insulated corner to set up your visible laundry area vertically, without wasting even an inch.

Above it, fix several shelves, useful for placing baskets, products and even a vase with dried flowers for a contemporary touch. Don’t forget a beautiful rug to further complement your niche.

Laundry corner with a romantic touch

If you have the possibility of creating a niche next to your walk-in shower, place the washing machine and dryer vertically using the appropriate support.

For a charming touch, buy a pouf in which to store detergents and small accessories for doing the laundry.

Space-saving furniture and shelving system

If you have a lot of things to organize, consider designing a custom-made wooden wardrobe system with a cabinet to house the washing machine.

Thanks to strategic light points and a well-considered color palette, even the smallest space will be able to take flight.

Laundry hidden in a chic bathroom

Finally, we couldn’t forget an ultra-refined solution. In a bathroom furnished with marble details, played on black and white, prepare a tone-on-tone closed wardrobe in which to hide the washing machine and possibly the dryer. Nobody will notice…


  • Ashleigh Bandimere

    Ashleigh Bandimere is a Freelance Foodie & Travel Writer who loves all things travel! She takes advantage of every opportunity to get away, Ashleigh is always ready for her next adventure.

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