Clothes moths can be a problem all year round, but as we head into spring, you may have noticed an increase in the number of these pests in your home.

This is because, with the arrival of good weather, moths begin to emerge from their winter cocoons.

This is a problem because moths love to feed on wool, silk and cashmere (they don’t have exclusively expensive tastes: they also settle for cotton fabrics and carpets).

No one likes to pull out their favorite cashmere sweater or silk scarf and find it full of holes, so prevention is the answer, but it’s also important to know the best tips for taking good care of your clothes .

To help you combat these furry enemies, we have prepared this guide to get rid of clothes moths forever, but the best recommendation is that you take care of your clothes, especially the most delicate ones, made of wool or cashmere, with effective tricks for washing clothes by hand in the sink .


Even if you haven’t discovered holes in your clothes yet, the presence of certain types of moths in your home is a warning to take action.

The brown moth (8 mm long and bronze wings with black highlights) and the common clothes moth (6-7 mm long and paler beige wings).

If they lay their eggs in your house, the larvae that hatch from them will feast on all the textiles or fibers in your house.

These larvae especially like animal fibers, such as wool, silk, cashmere and angora, but they will also feed on cotton fabrics if nothing else is available.

They don’t distinguish between clothes or furniture, so even if you discover moths in your closet, don’t assume your carpets are safe.


Contrary to popular belief, moths are not only attracted to light. In fact, they look for dark and quiet places to lay their eggs, such as the back of the closet or slowly opened drawers.

Look in these places for signs of creamy white, brown-headed larvae. They are difficult to miss, as a female moth can lay between 50 and 1,000 eggs at a time.

At the same time, check areas of carpet under rugs and under or behind furniture that is moved infrequently.


To get rid of moths you will have to break their life cycle, and that means getting rid of any unhatched eggs, as well as the larvae. Start by removing all the clothes from the closet, then vacuum the bottom of the closet, using the vacuum’s crevice tool to get into the corners and edges.

Next, wash all clothing at the highest recommended temperature and take dry-clean only items to the dry cleaners.

You can also wrap non-washable fabric clothes in plastic bags and put them in the freezer for 48 hours, since subzero temperatures kill moth larvae.

Vacuum carpets throughout the house thoroughly, paying special attention to areas of carpet under furniture, and then treat areas where you have seen adult moths with a moth spray.



When it comes to moths, prevention is better than cure. Here are five things you can do to keep these winged pests away:

  • Wash clothes well before storing them. Moths are attracted to sweat and food stains.
  • Keep the closet well ventilated. Ventilate the interior regularly to prevent the build-up of heat, humidity or mold, which clothes moths love.
  • Store clothes carefully . Freshly washed woolen items that you will not use until next winter should be placed in a vacuum bag. A cardboard box is not enough, as the moth larvae will chew through it.
  • Use natural moth repellent. Cedar wood rings on your closet or drawers can deter moths.
  • Spray carpets with lavender. Prepare a natural repellent by adding a few drops of lavender essential oil to the water in a spray bottle. Shake it well and lightly spray the carpet and clothing.


  • Ashleigh Bandimere

    Ashleigh Bandimere is a Freelance Foodie & Travel Writer who loves all things travel! She takes advantage of every opportunity to get away, Ashleigh is always ready for her next adventure.

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